

Premium Quality Seafood
Sustainable Sourcing Practices
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Fish which have been frozen at sea are of very good quality when landed; therefore, more time is available for the fish to be distributed over a wider area and still be in good condition. Freezing at sea has therefore an important role in world fisheries. Only quick freezing and low temperature storage has so far satisfied this need and, as traditional near water fisheries become overfished or are unable to satisfy the growing demands of an ever increasing population, freezing at sea will become more and more necessary. Sea-frozen fish, properly handled between landing on deck and loading into the freezer, when thawed are almost undistinguishable, from fresh fish kept in ice for a few days. The loss in quality as a result of freezing, cold storage and thawing is small when these treatments are properly applied. Thus, when very fresh fish are frozen at sea, the final product can be equal to the best on the market.